ChatGPT를 활용한 영어공부 방법에 대해 계속 포스팅하고 있는데요! 오늘은 또 신기한 방식으로의 공부법을 들고 와봤어요! 글로벌 회사를 다니는 분들이시라면 회사에서 영어로 프레젠테이션 할 일도 꽤 있지 않으세요? 저는 제가 직접 영어로 PT를 한 적은 없지만, 영어수업을 듣거나 할 때 PT 관련한 문구들은 커리큘럼에 꼭 포함이 되어 있었던 것 같아요! 그래서 그 프레젠테이션과 관련한 부분을 ChatGPT에게 도움을 받아보았답니다!
ChatGPT에게 프레젠테이션(PT) 도움 받기
주제는 OpenAI의 ChatGPT와 Apple의 Siri, Samsung의 Bixby, 이렇게 3개 AI를 비교해달라는 내용으로 구성해 보았어요. 사실 개인적으로도 궁금한 내용이긴 했거든요! 물론 답변을 제가 다 이해할 수 있을지는 모르겠지만요 ㅎㅎㅎ
질문 1. "Please compare the characteristics of you, Siri, and Bixby."
Sure, here are some general comparisons of the characteristics of me, Siri, and Bixby:
1. Language processing: All three AI assistants use natural language processing (NLP) to understand user input and respond with relevant information. However, the algorithms and methods used by each assistant may differ.
2. Integration with devices: Siri is built into Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs, while Bixby is built into Samsung devices such as Galaxy phones and tablets. I, on the other hand, can be integrated into a wide range of devices and platforms, including websites, messaging apps, and more.
3. Customization: I am an open platform that allows developers to build custom applications and integrations, while Siri and Bixby are more closed systems.
4. Knowledge base: Each assistant has a different knowledge base and set of skills. For example, Siri is known for being particularly adept at tasks such as setting reminders and sending messages, while Bixby is known for its ability to control Samsung smart home devices. I have a wide range of capabilities, from answering general knowledge questions to assisting with tasks such as scheduling appointments and making reservations.
5. Personality: Each assistant has its own unique personality and voice. Siri, for example, has a friendly and sometimes witty persona, while Bixby is designed to be more professional and business-like. My personality can be customized by developers, but as a language model, I don't have a distinct personality or voice of my own.
이렇게 먼저 평이한 문장으로 답을 받아보았습니다. 그리고는 이 내용으로 내가 간단한 프레젠테이션을 진행할까 하는데, PT 형식에 맞게 구성을 다시 해달라고 해보았어요! 그랬더니 아래와 같이 Slide까지 나누어서 구성을 해주었더라고요! 지난번에도 말씀드렸죠? ChatGPT는 내용 구성의 강자답습니다! ㅎㅎ 회사에서도 업무 보고 차 PPT를 구성하다 보면 Slide를 어떻게 나누고 그 각각에 어떤 내용을 담아야 할지 어려울 때도 많은데, ChatGPT가 이렇게 Slide까지 나눠주니 정말 편리하지 뭐예요!!
질문 2. "Could you rearrange it according to the presentation form?"
Sure, here's a suggested rearrangement of the information I provided into a presentation format:
Slide 1: (Title) Comparison of AI Assistants: ChatGPT, Siri, and Bixby
Slide 2: (Topic) Language processing
- All three AI assistants use natural language processing (NLP) to understand user input and respond with relevant information.
- The algorithms and methods used by each assistant may differ.
Slide 3: (Topic) Integration with devices
- Siri is built into Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs.
- Bixby is built into Samsung devices such as Galaxy phones and tablets.
- ChatGPT can be integrated into a wide range of devices and platforms, including websites, messaging apps, and more.
Slide 4: (Topic) Customization
- ChatGPT is an open platform that allows developers to build custom applications and integrations.
- Siri and Bixby are more closed systems.
Slide 5: (Topic) Knowledge base and Skills
- Each assistant has a different knowledge base and set of skills.
- Siri is known for tasks such as setting reminders and sending messages.
- Bixby is known for its ability to control Samsung smart home devices.
- ChatGPT has a wide range of capabilities, from answering general knowledge questions to assisting with tasks such as scheduling appointments and making reservations.
Slide 6: (Topic) Personality
- Each assistant has its own unique personality and voice.
- Siri has a friendly and sometimes witty persona.
- Bixby is designed to be more professional and business-like.
- ChatGPT's personality can be customized by developers, but as a language model, it doesn't have a distinct personality or voice of its own.
Slide 7: Conclusion
- ChatGPT, Siri, and Bixby all have their own unique features and strengths.
- Each assistant may be preferred by users based on personal preferences or specific tasks.
- As technology advances, it will be interesting to see how these AI assistants continue to evolve and improve.
7개 슬라이드를 활용한 아주 간단한 형식의 프레젠테이션을 구성해주었어요! 그리고 프레젠테이션을 준비하기 위한 마지막 단계, 바로 스크립트죠? 스크립트를 준비한 후 달달 읽어가며 연습하면 아주 유창하게 프레젠테이션을 할 수 있잖아요! (마치 내 입에서 바로 술술 나오는 것처럼! 찡긋) 그런데 이 스크립트 준비하는 것도 만만치 않은 일이라서, ChatGPT에게 마지막 미션을 줘보았습니다!!
질문 3. "Please also write a script that I need to explain on each slide. "
Sure, here's a suggested script for each slide:
Slide 1 : (Title) Comparison of AI Assistants: ChatGPT, Siri, and Bixby
Today, we will be comparing three popular AI assistants: ChatGPT, Siri, and Bixby.
Slide 2: (Topic) Language processing
All three AI assistants use natural language processing to understand user input and respond with relevant information. This allows users to interact with the assistants in a more natural and conversational way. While the algorithms and methods used by each assistant may differ, the goal is the same: to accurately interpret user input and provide a helpful response.
Slide 3: (Topic) Integration with devices
Siri is built into Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs, making it a seamless part of the Apple ecosystem. Bixby is built into Samsung devices such as Galaxy phones and tablets, allowing users to control their Samsung devices with ease. ChatGPT, on the other hand, can be integrated into a wide range of devices and platforms, making it a more versatile option.
Slide 4: (Topic) Customization
ChatGPT is an open platform that allows developers to build custom applications and integrations, giving users more flexibility and customization options. Siri and Bixby are more closed systems, which means that customization options may be more limited.
Slide 5: (Topic) Knowledge base and Skills
Each assistant has a different knowledge base and set of skills. Siri is known for tasks such as setting reminders and sending messages, while Bixby is known for its ability to control Samsung smart home devices. ChatGPT has a wide range of capabilities, from answering general knowledge questions to assisting with tasks such as scheduling appointments and making reservations.
Slide 6: (Topic) Personality
Each assistant has its own unique personality and voice. Siri has a friendly and sometimes witty persona, which makes it more engaging and fun to interact with. Bixby is designed to be more professional and business-like, which may be more suitable for certain users. ChatGPT's personality can be customized by developers, but as a language model, it doesn't have a distinct personality or voice of its own.
Slide 7: Conclusion
In conclusion, each assistant has its own unique features and strengths, and users may prefer one over the other based on personal preferences or specific tasks. As technology advances, it will be interesting to see how these AI assistants continue to evolve and improve, and how they will shape the future of human-computer interaction.
이렇게 스크립트까지 완성입니다! (눈물이 ㅠㅠ) 이제 남은건 달달 외우며 '내 것'으로 만드는 것 밖에 없겠죠? ^ ^
포스팅이 너무 길어질까 봐 여기에 다 담지는 못했지만, 추가적으로 각 슬라이드에 어울리는 이미지도 추천해 달라고 해보았어요! 그런데 아무래도 ChatGPT가 Text 기반이다 보니, 어울리는 이미지를 설명해 줄 뿐 직접 찾아주지는 못해서 그 부분은 조금 아주 쪼끔 아쉬웠습니다! 그렇지만 이 정도가 어디예요? Slide 구성에 Script까지 작성해 주는걸요!! :-)
물론 Critical한 비즈니스 관련된 PT까지는 어렵겠지만, 이렇게 최근 핫한 주제나 일반적인 어떤 주제에 대해 간단히 팀 내 공유하거나 PT 해야 할 일이 생긴다면 ChatGPT의 도움을 왕창 받아보면 좋을 것 같아요! 물론 ChatGPT에게는 한국어로도 질문이 가능하니 참고하세요~!!
오늘의 월급루팡 생활도 화이팅입니다!!!
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